A Greek app puts an end to food that is produced but not consumed


A Greek app puts an end to food that is produced but not consumed

“Greece has the highest rates of food waste in Europe and this makes the need to create solutions in our country even more urgent,” explains Christos Kokkoros, initiator of Bring it Back. Let’s see what it is and how it works.

“Bring it Back is a food management app, it manages food that is fresh today, but at the end of the day it will not be disposed of, so it is withdrawn and thrown away. This contributes to the creation of a vicious cycle, which results in a negative impact on the environment, increases food waste and increases the global shortage of food, with all that this implies” Christos Kokkoros tells us and continues: “The goal is for the Bring it Back community to keep growing until there is food for everyone without an environmental footprint.”

– How does it work?

So through Bring it Back we give the products a second chance to be bought by the consumer at a preferential price, with the common goal of mutual profit for both the store, through the reduction of the food cost, and for the consumer through the preferential purchase price. What we end up doing is creating a virtuous circle that helps reduce food waste and protect environmental resources.

– Why is it important that we all understand the need for zero waste?

Environmental pollution from food that is produced but not consumed has increased alarmingly. Greece has the highest rates of food waste in Europe and this makes the need to create solutions in our country even more urgent. Bring it Back was created to reduce this waste and move Greece out of this negative position. In this way, it creates ecological awareness among consumers and enables them to contribute to the idea in a profitable way for them as well, by allowing them to buy the leftover fresh food at a very special price. The range of choices is wide, from restaurants, cafes to bakeries, super markets and hotels.

A Greek app puts an end to food that is produced but not consumed IMG 4936 Long 400x600 1
“The interaction has two pillars, the consumer and the store,” says Christos Kokkoros.

– How has the world embraced it?

Already the response of consumers and shops is great, realizing the magnitude of the problem and the usefulness of the project.
The interaction has two pillars, the consumer and the store, by creating the Bring it Back app, our community connects restaurants with consumers.
Consumers can find the Bring it Back app available in stores (Play – App) for use on any mobile device. Once installed, he can choose the type of store, the time he wants to buy the bag of products he wants from his favorite – nearest store and a pleasant surprise awaits him when he goes to pick it up, as the magic box (bag) will show him what is different inside each time.

– How much does technology help in the end?

A greater response is observed in younger age groups, due to the ease of use of technology and familiarity with it, along with active participation in social media, which are a modern source of knowledge, learning and reflection. But even older people are now using technology as an integral part of everyday life. The daily friction and the ability to provide real-time news reinforces activation on every issue related to society, the environment and the waste of the Earth’s resources.

-Let’s say I have a bakery and I want to join BringitBack. What should I do?

The shop, if someone from the Bring it Back team has not already visited it, can be contacted through our official website via the site www.bringit-back.com as well as on our official social pages, expressing his interest and our company’s sales team will immediately visit him. Booking an appointment is very easy, within 15 minutes you will be part of the Bring it Back community. By activating their account, we enhance their image through the app with a description of the store and photos that we choose together! The management is very simple and with a little updating, even someone who has nothing to do with technology can use it via their smart phone, tablet or computer!

-Do you feel that something is changing in people’s perception of this issue?

Surely, because people today are aware of the burden on the environment and the waste of the Earth’s resources, they feel responsible to help in any way they consider useful! In addition, more and more businesses, particularly in the food and catering sector, are highlighting the problem and trying to reduce or even eliminate their environmental footprint.

Source : https://www.in.gr