Businesses say no to food waste


Businesses say no to food waste

Food waste is perhaps one of the biggest problems of our generation, as at least 1/3 of the food produced globally ends up in the trash. But several companies around the world are throwing themselves into the battle to tackle the problem, while inspiring consumers to change their habits and lifestyles…

Businesses say no to food waste plate food waste bin throwing away food shut
Food waste is the common denominator of a lack of respect for nature. Say no to food waste!

The example of Copenhagen

The world’s first food waste supermarket opened in Copenhagen! Within six months of opening, the store received over 40 tons of food destined for the garbage, which in turn was marketed at half the price of fresh produce. After nine months, it became so popular that they had to open a second branch, with consumers choosing it for their daily shopping!

The idea is taking off around the world

The UK’s first food waste supermarket was opened by the Real Junk Food Project in Leeds last year and now more are opening in Sheffield, Bradford, Brighton, Wigan, Northampton, Birmingham, Leicester and London.

Founder Adam Smith started with pay-as-you-feel cafes, cooking food destined for the bin for customers who could pay whatever amount they wanted for a meal made entirely from ingredients that would otherwise have been thrown away.

Food waste is the common denominator of a lack of respect for nature, for society, for the people who produce the food, for the animals, but also a lack of respect for our time and money! Every citizen has the power to contribute to solving the problem, either by changing their consumption habits or by promoting smart business ideas with a significant social impact.
